I'm an undeniably unashamed misfit, in that I was formed to fit into His will and not this district.
And though society tells me the only way I can fit into this world is by dismissing my beliefs, conforming to the status quo, and compressing my time with God to merely 1 day a week, I chose to be a misfit.
A person whose behaviour or attitude sets them apart from others; for before I was born He set me apart knowing the plans He has for my life.
His overwhelming love raptured my heart and my life was placed steadfast in my Heavenly Fathers hands. He filled the missing pieces of my soul with his unwavering compassion and understanding, whilst clearing up all misunderstandings with the world I once was a part of that I belonged to them.
See the only way that I could be free from that world is by the shedding of the perfect blood of Jesus Christ. The most unselfish act known to mankind as He lay His life for those who simply cast him aside. And as He rose again and ascended to intercede at the Fathers right side for me, I was too busy trying to complete my puzzling life with incomplete pieces of others around me. And if that wasn't enough I was part of that people that had accepted our Grooms proposal but whilst He was smiling down on His bride - had already signed a prenupt.
Failing to submit to His will was something I was guilty of, but by adopting His innocence and drowning myself in the incense created by this new aflame fire burning inside me, I live to smell good in his presence. Passionately burying myself daily in his word and feasting on the bread that would one day be regurgitated and used to feed the empty of those who needed it, I live my life now and forever more as a misfit.
My days! I remember when you first did this on youtube! Gwarn girl moving up in christ x