
1 John 4:18 "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear..."

Friday, 25 July 2014

Job 9 - 11 ; Journey through Job

Evening Family. So the reason I found reading the book of Job hard in the first place was purely because it sounded like a lot of babbling and complaining and since I had started again, that hadn’t been a problem- until today. All I could read was complaining and all I could see was people who feel like their say would solve everything but it didn’t. And then I decided to switch points of view, there must be a reason why God wanted the book of Job to be in the Bible, is it to show us that even the righteous go through tests? That though we may appear blameless there is always something else there? After all we are human, unlike God.
And that’s what actually hit me. Job 9:32 (NLT) says something profound actually;
“God is not a mortal like me, so I cannot argue with him, or take him to trial”.
This hit me like POW! When we ask God why He’s making us go through something or doubt Him in anyway, we are making Him out to be like man. God is NOT like man and we need to remember that. This reminded me of Numbers 23:19;

God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should repent.
Has He said, and will He not do?
Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”

God is not a man and sometimes I feel like we forget that. We forget that He is all knowing, all seeing and that He conceived everything before they came into being. Yes He’s our friend and we were created to live eternally in an intimate relationship with Him, but we cannot forget that He is the head. That means that He makes decisions and plans things for us and in no way is He obligated to inform us of those plans. We are to sit tight and to make the most of what He has given us in that situation.

Another thing that struck me was the entrance of Job’s third friend Zophar who also believed that Job was being punished because of his sin. Here we see the need for logic. God does not follow logic and us trying to figure out why He does what He does will only send us in circles. All three of Job’s friends have made some sort of connection between sin and punishment; I guess that is only logically. However it got me thinking; if we are to have the mind of Christ then we must move past logic because we serve a God that operates on a different scale than we do. By renewing our minds and placing our trust in God and not our problems, only then can we begin to see that maybe God is using this time to shape us for something even greater. 


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